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Unfortunately, thousands Nevada residents find themselves facing foreclosure every year. Just the thought of foreclosure is enough to send anyone into a panic but getting the official notice of foreclosure can be paralyzing. If you happen to be of the many homeowners facing the prospect of losing your home to foreclosure, there are ways you can keep the bank from seizing your home.
Most foreclosures in Nevada are handled through the non-judicial process, which means they are resolved outside of the court.
Stages of Non-Judicial Foreclosure:
Send Notice of Foreclosure- Under Nevada law, a lender is required to send you the following notices:
Notice of Default and Election to Sell- When a homeowner is in default, a trustee will send a Notice of Default to the homeowner and mortgage holder.
The notice must include information about Nevada’s Mortgage Mediation Program. That program encourages homeowners and lenders to work together and come to an agreement that allows a homeowner to avoid foreclosure.
Danger Notice Sent Out- The trustee must send you danger notice 60 days before the date of sale and should include your original promissory note.
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