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Have you missed a mortgage payment? Has the bank sent you a foreclosure notice? Are you confused about your options? A foreclosure notice should be taken seriously, and you should contact a foreclosure lawyer near your location immediately.
If you miss just one mortgage payment, a bank can move to foreclose on your home which is why you need to take action as soon as you get the foreclosure notice.
Below is a general outline of the foreclosure process:
You may be eligible for assistance with delinquent mortgage taxes and property taxes by contacting or by calling 866-946-7432. You can also meet with a local housing counselor or contact a foreclosure attorney near you in Michigan. recommends you speak with a nearby foreclosure attorney as soon as you receive a foreclosure notice. The process moves quickly, and if want the opportunity to save your home from foreclosure, you need to get an expert’s advice.
Some lenders are willing to work with delinquent homeowners and allow them to keep their homes by modifying their mortgage. A mortgage modification can have strict terms, but the effort is worth it if you are allowed
Sadly, a mortgage modification isn’t going to work for everyone and if you cannot afford to make mortgage payments don’t agree to the terms of a modification or you could put yourself further in debt.
If you agree to a short sale, you will not be able to keep your home, but you will reduce the amount you owe the bank. With a short sale, a mortgage lender agrees to take less for the sale of property.
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